Is this how the system is supposed to work?

I read something yesterday that made me very cross!

A couple, neither of whom have worked for over 12 years with 8 children, were complaining about their lot in the present financial climate.They live in a 4 bedroom house rent free and receive £800 per week from benefits. This allows them to drive TWO people carriers and have digital TV.

Despite receiving this £42,000 per year from the taxpayer, they apparently were not able to go on holiday. The wife wanted to be re-housed off the council estate as she wanted a better life than she had for her children. Four years ago, they filed for bankcrupcy after being £20,000 in debt.

I am not in a position to check these facts. I saw a photograph of 10 smiling faces and an article that contained quotes from both adults and  figures which could be verified. The mother explained that she did not feel badly about taking money from those who work. The system is there to be used and she is using it – ‘it is her right’. As it is she is unable to make ends meet.

She’s right! The system does allow such a travesty to occur. However, I thought about the couple who have both worked but recently lost their jobs. They are unable to pay the mortgage despite selling their car. They are fearful of the future for their 2 children.

Should the benefit system encourage what I consider to be an irresponsible attitude towards having children?

By the way, the mum in the article is aiming to increase her family to 14!