Challenge#1 – Suppers

#3 Summer Veg

This doesn’t often happen to me but I was walking past the green grocer’s and saw asparagus and courgettes and just had to have some!

I steamed them off then fried them in some olive oil with some garlic and red onion then poured a tin of tomatoes over them. A few minutes in the oven and they were a delicious accompaniment for some pork chops!

#2 Stir Fry
Another simple supper dish that is one of our favourites – Stir Fry.

Once again it  can use up all that is in your fridge and it means you can ring the changes with different meat / fish and vegetables. This one has chicken that was marinated for an hour in some mushroom soy sauce. We are lucky enough to have a large Chinese supermarket near-by and there are so many different sorts of Soy sauce – you are spoilt for choice.

I usually add a bag of ‘Stir Fry’ from the supermarket. That can be predominantly bean sprouts, or peppers or mushrooms. For some added flavour I will also add spring greens or leeks. It all goes in the wok and is stirred round until cooked.



#1 – Fridge Soup

The first of another challenge – supper dishes. This is one that didn’t quite work out as expected although I don’t know what to expect!

Spurred on by my twitter friend @lisacov19 I decided to have a go at making some soup. I chested terribly by starting with a tin of soup and then just added what was in the fridge!

So here you have – chicken and mushroom vegetable soup with crusty rolls!

*note to self – do better next time!*

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