100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week#65

Last week, hubby and I went to Kingston Lacey which is is Dorset. It is a fabulous National Trust property with a huge house to peruse and gardens to explore. While we were following the trial of the Halloween witches though the woods I saw a notice that explained why some of the trees had been marked with an orange spot. This was to identify those that were to be felled in order to let the rest flourish.

For some reason I thought of you 100WCGU writers! I have given you a picture but do let your imaginations wander about the significance or otherwise of an ORANGE SPOT or what it may represent!

As usual it is just 100 words. Do make sure you pop a link back here for others to follow and keep it suitable for a PG certificate.I have had a couple of schools asking if they can put the link on their class blogs that do 100WC to try to encourage parents to engage with their children so young eyes may be prying!

If you can’t see the woods for threes (sorry!) please read ‘What is 100WCGU?’. It may help but if you are still ‘felled’ (!) do leave a comment below.

The link will remain open until 12th November

Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list and I will transfer them to this page as soon as possible.

  1. Badge of Honour
  2. Destiny
  3. The Neighbours
  4. Follow Your Heart
  5. Mrs Tee Pot
  6. Job Interview
  7. The Unguarded Woods
  8. Mummy Lion
  9. The Marker – G Sussex
  10. I’ll Show Em
  11. Sappy-eyed
  12. Inequity
  13. Lost
  14. Living, libraries (dead) languages
  15. Just another date
  16. Logic
  17. Tree wisdom
  18. One in a million
  19. Fragments from Fireflyphil
  20. Ache – Veronica’s Garden
  21. On that note
  22. Squirrel paint studio
  23. Anglers Rest
  24. Branded

17 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week#65

  1. Pingback: The neighbors – 100WCGU | Björn Rudbergs writings

  2. Pingback: Beyond the Brush

  3. Pingback: Follow Your Heart « Stray Thoughts

  4. Pingback: Sappy-Eyed « H.L. Pauff

  5. Pingback: 100 Word Challenge for Grownups – Logic | A Number of Things

  6. Pingback: Tree Wisdom | The odd ramblings of a mind that does not quite fit

  7. Pingback: 100 Word Challenge – Week 65: One in a Million « shadetheraven

  8. Pingback: An Orange Spot | Fragments from Firefly Phil

  9. Pingback: 100 Word Challenge: Ache « Veronica's Garden

  10. Pingback: On that note… « Writings by a twisted mind

  11. Pingback: Sappy-Eyed | H.L. PauffH.L. Pauff

  12. You may notice I’m “liking many of your prompts in reverse order…
    I am a member of a Senior Center’s writing class and looking for prompts.
    I have subscribed to your post for a long time, submitted a few times…
    Thank you for the wonderful prompts. I’m enjoying re-reading them and
    seeing which ones trip my fancy the most…this is one of them.
    Siggi in Downeast Maine

  13. Pingback: Tree Wisdom | The odd ramblings of a mind that does not quite fit

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