100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week#86

100WCGU (7)

I gather from the low number of entries last week that the picture did not inspire! Apologies!

Hopefully, this week’s will be more to your liking.

…the queue was so long…

As usual, just 100 words added to those 5. The link will stay open until 29th April

If you are a bit confused do read ‘What is 100WCGU?’. It may help! If not, leave a comment below and I’ll help out!

Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…

  1. Something
  2. Assembly line blues
  3. What if …
  4. Followed by a fist
  5. Extra doughnut day
  6. Soup kitchen
  7. Decisions
  8. Last walk
  9. Hours lost
  10. Oblivion
  11. Childhood memory
  12. Aarrgghh!
  13. No flapping despite the situation
  14. Patience is not always a virtue 
  15. Punishment
  16. Waiting

28 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week#86

  1. {lifts head above the pencil lead-induced fog surrounding her desk} I’ve been toiling away at Camp NaNoWriMo this month…sorry to have been MIA! Think I’ll take a stab at this one though 🙂

  2. Pingback: #atozchallenge: Something | The odd ramblings of a mind that does not quite fit

  3. Pingback: 100 Word Story: Last Walk | Inspiration Tree

  4. Julia, I really hate it that I missed last week’s photo prompt. I was so swamped with work and plumbing problems at my house that I could’t add anything else. And, of course, I’ve been trying to do the National Poetry Writing challenge this whole month as well. But after seeing last week’s photo, I am going to try a story based on it anyway — even though the link is closed. That photo is just too good to pass up. If I come up with one, I’ll let you know. I’ll also try one for this week.

  5. Pingback: the queue was so long | nizamhappieboyz

  6. I loved that one! One of my team at Undead in the Netherworld wrote a funny bit for that, and I reblogged a couple of people’s entries.
    I’m thinking about creating a picture prompt at Undead in the Netherworld. Though we are unpopular and scare people, so it’s likely that no-one will participate. I’d faint if I ever got eleven entries or comments!

  7. Pingback: 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups week# 86 | Lucid Gypsy

  8. Pingback: 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups week# 86 | Lucid Gypsy

  9. Pingback: 100 word challenge week #86 | speciallyteaching

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