100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week#92

100WCGU (7)

You may need to sit down to read this but the sun is out in my little part of the world and it feels SO good!

To celebrate I’m being really, really kind to you all and giving you the prompt:


Obviously it is more of a theme than a prompt but what does yellow say to you? Put together 100 words and share it here!

The link will close on 10th June.

Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list. I will transfer them to this page as soon as possible!

  1. Yellow
  2. The End of Exploration
  3. The Between
  4. Stuff that’s yellow
  5. Group therapy
  6. Things are looking up
  7. The wizard’s word
  8. Life’s bouquet 
  9. The masked bandit
  10. Attributes of yellow
  11. Yellow / custard
  12. Morning
  13. Yellow
  14. Yellow – the colour of a coward
  15. Shady bet
  16. Primrose
  17. As they were
  18. Gorse

7 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week#92

  1. Pingback: 100-Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week 92 | Sandra Conner … By The Book

  2. Pingback: Yellow | nizamhappieboyz

  3. Pingback: 100WCGU #92 – Yellow, the colour of the coward | speciallyteaching

  4. Pingback: Shady bet | Blog of the imaginator

  5. Pingback: as they were | me, mine and other bits

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