100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week 102

I’ve been to a balloon fiesta. It was great fun.

The prompt this week is a picture. It is a Pants balloon so ‘the sky’s the limit’ (!) with where you take it!

Do make sure it is suitable for a PG certificate!

The link will be open until 19th August.

Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list. I will transfer it to this page as soon as possible!

  1. Time to be an adult
  2. As Paul grows
  3. Lord Iffy meets the Wizard of Oz
  4. Valley of the Jolly Underwear Store
  5. The Between
  6. How far will you go to prove a point?
  7. Utter pants

7 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week 102

  1. Pingback: Lord Iffy Meets the Wizard of Oz | The Living Dead

  2. Pingback: How Far Will You Go To Prove A Point? | Eva Writes

  3. Pingback: How Far Will You Go To Prove A Point? | Eva Writes

  4. Pingback: Utter pants | Blog of the imaginator

  5. Pingback: Up and under! | Julia's Place

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