100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week #114


I am having to make a decision about whether I continue as a school governor and it is really causing me some grief. I really like the work but…

So, give me some ideas in sorting out my thoughts. The prompt this week is:

…Decisions, decisions, decisions…

Do link back here so others can find us and make sure you keep to 100 words.

The link will be open until next Monday 25th November

Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list.

  1. Decisions, decisions, decisions!
  2. Take Two
  3. Alicia Audrey

5 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week #114

  1. Pingback: 100 Word Story: Decisions | Inspiration Tree

  2. Pingback: 100WCGU week #114 – Decisions | speciallyteaching

  3. Why are you having to make this decision? Decisions are hard to make and sometimes we have to go with our guts. I know lots about this and happy to talk anytime. X

  4. Pingback: That time o’ year again? | The odd ramblings of a mind that does not quite fit

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