100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week#117


It’s winter here in the UK so we need a bit of comfort!

The prompt this week is:

…tea, coffee, hot chocolate or…

Take it where you will but remember only 105 words in total that are suitable for a PG certificate.

The link will close at midnight on Sunday 19th January

Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list.

  1. Ear
  2. Unhappily married
  3. The cat’s perspective
  4. Warm welcome
  5. Sometimes you need to see it to believe
  6. The predator
  7. Rescued
  8. Special kind of crazy
  9. Landed
  10. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate or..?
  11. How?
  12. Non-optional Social Conventions
  13. Rain
  14. Spiced Comfort
  15. Running Respite

7 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week#117

  1. Pingback: Warm Welcome | Stray Thoughts

  2. Pingback: Sometimes you Need to See to Believe | Eva Writes

  3. Pingback: Non-optional social conventions | b00kreader

  4. Pingback: 100WCGU #117 How? | speciallyteaching

  5. Pingback: 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups Week #117 | Lucid Gypsy

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