100 word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week#141

100wcgu-7   I love it when we get new folks joining our little bit of silliness here on Julia’s Place. Last week, I saw a tweet quietly explaining about this writing challenge. I followed the thread and it gave me this week’s prompt! (You know who you are!)

…but there are so many seeds…

As always, you add 100 words to these 6 to produce a creative piece. Do visit each other and share the lurve!

The link will close on Sunday 20th July. 

If you are a newbie here and a bit confused, have a look at ‘What is 100WCGU?’ If you are still stuck leave me a comment or tweet me!

 Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list and I will transfer them to this page as soon as possible.

  1. …but there are so many seeds…
  2. Time to plant
  3. Seeds
  4. Vines
  5. The flowers of tomorrow
  6. Sowing
  7. But there are so many seeds
  8. In the garden

6 thoughts on “100 word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week#141

  1. Pingback: Sowing | b00kreader

  2. Pingback: 100-Word Challenge for Grown-ups – Week #141 | How the Cookie Crumbles

  3. Pingback: Vines | Myas: The Other Mistress Of The Dark

  4. Pingback: #100WCGU #141 – in the garden | speciallyteaching

  5. Pingback: The Journey Home | jean's writing

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