French Colour!

Life is manic! No – honestly – I don’t know if I’m on my head or my heels at the moment and so time to think and ponder my blog posts is non-existent. However, I did want to join this week’s Gallery because the theme is ‘Colour’ and I could do with a bit of that!

The picture I’m sharing is an old one but reminds me of a super trip to Paris. (Those regular readers will know we have a passion for that particular city) It was taken in 2004 and is of a very colourful sculpture in the park near the Pompidou Centre. The French certainly celebrate their art in a big way and in the open!

Please click the lens cup at the top and go and visit Tara Cain’s blog for some more colour!

14 thoughts on “French Colour!

  1. I have pictures of these sculptures. In Jerusalem we have big red monster by the same artist. There are steps up his back and three long children’s slides come out of his mouth like tongues. Everyone knows “The Monster.”

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