
‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ so they say which must mean that anything can be beautiful to someone. As the theme for the Gallery this week is ‘Beauty’ I have been wondering what would best represent beauty to me. It turned out to be something very unexpected.

We have recently heard of a dear friend who is waiting for the results of tests to find out if they have cancer. If it is, we are hopeful that the type is one of those that has a high survival rate and treatment that is not too awful.

What it is has done is made us aware of our own mortality. Another phrase often quoted ‘You never know what’s around the corner’ springs to mind. This is where my choice of picture comes in. It is one I have shared before and although it does not represent the miserable, cold morning I’m looking at today, it has reminded me that every morning is beautiful because it gives you another day of life’s experiences and we mustn’t waste them.

Do go over to Tara Cain’s Sticky Fingers blog to some more Beauty

14 thoughts on “Morning

  1. Lovely capture of the sun, mine so often over expose. Well done. Fingers crossed for your friend and a good reminder to appreciate the Now.

  2. it is never easy to hear someone else’s fears without also experiencing them in us, too. Life is quick. Life is precious. Wishing you well. Wishing wellness to your friend. We all share in this.
    The bell tolls… Randy

  3. Pingback: Last Week I Learnt That…#58 | Julia's Place

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