100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups – Week#172


This week saw two phenomena occurring. Firstly, the eclipse of the HUGE sun by the much smaller moon. For some reason we didn’t catch up with it until all the glasses had been sold but even without looking at the sun, there was an atmosphere of stillness and peace whilst it was happening.

The other happening was the procession of the remains of the last king of England to die in battle, Richard III. He is to be interred at Leicester Cathedral having been found in the foundations of a car park!

So, the prompt this week:

…when the daylight returned the king was dead…

The link will close on Sunday 29th March

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  1. Storm
  2. morpethroad
  3. Long live the queen – Kate Loveton
  4. The impersonator
  5. Talk of war
  6. Eclipsed
  7. One last battle
  8. Sacrifice
  9. Solar eclipses and kings
  10. Writercookie
  11. Dinner on demand
  12. Friend or foe?

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