What the English Do Best! – QUEUE!

Life has been manic this week and I’m struggling to blog on anything. However, I can’t miss Alphabe- Thursday which has got to the tricky letter of ‘Q’. Obviously I could only pick one thing to share and it is something that is quintessentially English – the ability to queue.

We can do it to excellent standards waiting in an oderly line for hours if necessary. It brings us comfort and makes us feel good about ourselves because we are being fair and taking turns!

This queue was waiting for the butcher to cook sausages and burgers and the smell was evidence that the wait would be worth it!

Do go and visit Jenny Matlock’s blog to see what other ‘Q’s folks share!

12 thoughts on “What the English Do Best! – QUEUE!

  1. Personally I like it when people behave in a queque and wait their turn. Nothing annys me more than waiting for your turn and someone comes to the front of the line and is served without any waiting.

  2. This is one of my favorite words! I wish it would catch on here in the States.

    It sounds so much more fun than ‘waiting in line!”

    Thanks for a quite wonderful link this week!

    This made me smile.


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