Julia’s Joy! – revisited


This week’s theme for Tara’s Gallery is ‘Joy’ . This is to balance things after last week’s Ugly. I found this quite difficult because in many ways, it would depend on the time, place & my mood. I looked the word JOY up in the Collins English dictionary & it said: ‘a deep feeling or condition of happiness or contentment; something causing such a feeling; a source of happiness.’

Armed with that definition, I proudly present ( with huge thanks & hugs to my wonderful photographing  hubby!) my interpretation of ‘JOY’ – whatever, whenever, wherever – they will make me feel good!




Nature at her very best! She never lets you down to feel Joy!

22 thoughts on “Julia’s Joy! – revisited

  1. I love the Dahlia too. Question: what type of camera does your hubby have??? The little one just broke my mine by dribbling into the lens (?!) and I want to get another before we go on holiday at the end of May. These shots are great and the colours are spot on – I suspect it’s a very expensive digital SLR????

    • Not expensive! It’s a fujifilm finepix. It has a large viewer so it means you caan really see what you’re photographing!

      Thanks for dropping by!

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