Julia’s Joy! – revisited


This week’s theme for Tara’s Gallery is ‘Joy’ . This is to balance things after last week’s Ugly. I found this quite difficult because in many ways, it would depend on the time, place & my mood. I looked the word JOY up in the Collins English dictionary & it said: ‘a deep feeling or condition of happiness or contentment; something causing such a feeling; a source of happiness.’

Armed with that definition, I proudly present ( with huge thanks & hugs to my wonderful photographing  hubby!) my interpretation of ‘JOY’ – whatever, whenever, wherever – they will make me feel good!




Nature at her very best! She never lets you down to feel Joy!


The Gallery theme this week was ‘Your Favourite Photograph’. Well, I found this extremely difficult because being married to a wonderful photographer, I have so many to choose from.

In the end I went for this picture as it has a story behind it. We love France especially Normandy & when we visit we are drawn to the beaches that saw so much carnage but such bravery during WWII. This photo was taken in August 2006 & we are in a café in Port-en-Bessin-Huppin. This little coastal village lies between Omaha & Gold beaches, key places during the Normandy landings. It has another claim to fame as it was used in the 1962 film ‘The Longest Day’ which chronicles the events of 6th June 1944. Continue reading

Making sense of it all -Guest Post Day!

Today is Guest Post Day organised by Erica at Little Mummy! Do pop along & read some more! She has paired bloggers up with each other & it means that this blog is playing host (well hostess!) to the lovely Marianne who is the mother of twins & author of the fabulous blog Mari’s World. When you visit you will see the she is very interested in writing as well as sharing all the ups & downs of being a parent to 2 gorgeous little girls. We decided that we would write about our senses. Here is Marianne’s take on it. Continue reading

My Mate!

This is such a happy picture! Two people clearly comfortable with each other. You’re making that silly face again that I tease you about!

It’s not always likes this though is it?. There have been such dark times. Things we wouldn’t want anyone to go through. Times when the tears, pain & sadness engulfs me that I can’t move. You are always there though. Strong, calm, non-judgemental guiding me through. The bestest friend in the world!

Naturally, I dedicate this to you:


This post is for the Gallery Week #13 over at Sticky Fingers – Friendship

Tales from the Head’s Office! #3

Having retired as a primary head teacher & following the suggestion of my dear friend Paula I have decided to write an occasional series about the highs & lows of my headship career. It spanned 13 years & included 3 schools. I hope you enjoy my tales!




This picture is of me with my dearest friend Trina. It was taken in July 2008 just before I retired as a Head Teacher. We had worked very closely for 5 years & for parents, staff & children where there was one of us, the other wouldn’t be far away.

We are in my office & have got dressed to take part in the school’s ‘Favourite Book Characters’ day. I am the King of Hearts & Trina is the Queen. We were supposed to be characters from Alice in Wonderland but those of you who know the book will remember that there is no King in it, only the Queen. We took some ‘poetic licence’ because we wanted to be a pair & have a costume that was easy to make!

As a school we were always dressing up & being silly! I have another post in the pipeline about pyjamas! One of my passions is shoes – of the coloured kind. Please note my red-spotted ones here. The nursery children loved to touch my feet when they came to assembly so I liked to make an effort on Fridays!

Now, I hope you are all in a suitable bowing position! All together -‘Your Majesties!’