Ruled by Anxiety

This poem by my very clever dear friend Pooky popped up in my mailbox on the day when the demons were rampant in my head. She expresses exactly how I felt but in such a better way they I could tell you! Thank you Pooky!

Pooky's Poems

I can’t get a thought in edgeways
When my head is full of fear,
Anxiety wreaks havoc
And my other thoughts aren’t clear.
The part of me that’s strong and sane
Is sitting in a well,
It tries to shout advice to me
I think, it’s hard to tell
Because it sounds so distant
And its words are all obscured
By the nasty mumbo jumbo
That I’m trying to ignore.
Eventually I break and cave
And anxious thoughts run free.
And when they do,
For a short time
I wish I wasn’t me.


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We are friends?

This poem is an entry for Fragile Friendships over at Pooky’s Poems. Do pop over to read some more pieces!

Oh course I’ll always be your friend

Whatever life and people send

Of course I’ll always take your side

And never, ever want to hide

In case you let me down

by always trying to play the clown

Of course if I should see you cry

I’ll make sure I can pop by

And hold your hand and understand

Whatever you’re going through

It will always be just me and you.

Won’t it?

Won’t it?

Won’t it?



photo credit: Lulu the Bold via photopin cc

Parking Haiku

Over at Pooky’s Poems she has set us a challenge of writing a HAIKU poem. Do go over and find out all about it. She has given us lots of help so have a go. My offering is about my road and those of you who are regulars here know that the cars that park here are a major source of grief for me.  

Where do you come from?

You do not live here do you?

That is my space, leave!

Back to the future!

This poem is part of a Poem a Day project and the theme for today was to write a letter to your teenage self. You can see more HERE

Dear Julia…

You are a special person God didn’t make a mistake                                                          He decided the world needed you                                                                                       So don’t imagine you’re a fake.

You are a special person                                                                                                  Don’t worry about what they might say                                                                                   They are really too busy living                                                                                                So just smile and walk away

You are a special person                                                                                                    You must listen and truly believe                                                                                      That your future is really stunning                                                                                           So aim high and you will achieve!



This poem is my first attempt at NaPoWriMo prompt which to write a poem featuring at least three of the five senses

You were tight

Close lipped, almost shy.

Among your peers, standing firm.

Not daring to touch for fear of showing weakness

But the warmth gently encouraged, you began to move, to test, to explore.

Safe? Yes it is safe.

As your fragrance joined the aromas, spring arrived.

They didn't notice the build up of your pressure, the hiss as you came to explode!

All they will see are the fragments of beauty that once was as you finally relax.